Dear competitors!
Some important information before coming to Ptakowice,
Due to an epidemic situation, all fees must be paid to the account by bank transfer so as to reduce contact at the Race Office to the minimum necessary. The deadline for payment of all fees is the entry deadline of July 23, 2021.
Transfer details:
LANDO Equestrian Center CLP
Pod Lasem Street 11
42-674 Ptakowice
NIP: 6452268721
Bank: PKO BP
61 1020 2368 0000 2602 0278 2001
IBAN: PL 61 1020 2368 0000 2602 0278 2001
Transfer title: rider’s name and category in which the rider competes
Stables will be open starting Monday, August 2 from 12:00 in the afternoon. The possibility to come with horses will be only during the specified timeframe:
Monday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Tuesday 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am – 11:00 am
No entry will be allowed beyond these hours.
A veterinary review will be conducted on Wednesday at 12:00 pm.
We would like to remind you that if you need an invoice, you should include information about it in your transfer, preferably by e-mail ( with transfer details. Lack of such information will make it impossible to receive an invoice during the competition.
Please note that the horses temperature will be checked at the gate, you must have your own thermometer and fill out a form 10 days prior to arrival – you can download it in the link below:
A thermometer has to be taken with you to measure the temperature at the arrival and during the competition.
During the competition, probably on Friday and Saturday evening there will be an opportunity to do COVID testing/smears – 19. If you need such a test or someone from your team needs one, please let us know by Wednesday evening at the latest, preferably during the veterinary procedure at the entry gate.
Please send an email to: 3 days prior to arrival with the following information:
The name of the rider, groomer and each accompanying person with phone numbers. Include the estimated day and time of arrival and whether the person is vaccinated, convalescent or has had a negative test for COVID-19.
Information about restrictions, test and so forth, due to COVID-19 you can find on a website
Appropriate COVID certificates and credentials must be presented upon entry to the competition area.
Current COVID-19 regulations can be found at:,Outbreak-of-coronavirusrules-of-entry-and-stay-on-the-territory-of-the-Republic.html